Azure Sphere MT3620 M4 API Reference Manual
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This section describes the programming interfaces of the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) M-HAL driver, including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, ADC define, enums, functions, structures and typedef. More...


This section describes the programming interfaces of the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) M-HAL driver, including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, ADC define, enums, functions, structures and typedef.

Terms and Acronyms

Terms Details
ADC ADC is an Analog-to-Digital Converter.
DMA Direct Memory Access.
FIFO First In, First Out.

Supported Features

The ADC is a Successive Approximation ADC and the resolution of ADC is 12 bits.

How to Use This Driver


 M-HAL ADC define list information, maximum channel number that ADC supports, ADC ring buffer size and error return value.
 M-HAL ADC enumeration define list information, including define of the ADC one shot or periodic mode enumeration, define of the ADC finite state machine sampling times enumeration, define of the ADC operation mode enumeration(FIFO or DMA mode), define of the ADC channel number enumeration, define of the ADC interrupt enable enumeration.
 M-HAL ADC function list information, ADC hardware initializing and de-initializing, setting and getting ADC parameters set, enabling and disabling ADC hardware output, gets ADC sample data using FIFO mode, gets ADC sample data using DMA mode, enabling and disabling clock.
 M-HAL ADC structure list information, including ADC controller state machine related parameters, ADC DMA mode related parameters, ADC controller structure which used to store the hardware register base address, clock, Rx done callback API.
 M-HAL ADC typedef define list information, including define of the ADC OS-HAL user's callback API typedef.