Azure Sphere MT3620 M4 API Reference Manual
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API Reference
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
oM-HALThis section introduces MT3620 CM4 common driver, including terms and acronyms, software architecture, file naming convention, API naming convention
|oADCThis section describes the programming interfaces of the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) M-HAL driver, including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, ADC define, enums, functions, structures and typedef
|oDMAThis section introduces the Direct Memory Access (DMA) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|oEINTThis section introduces the External Interrupt Controller(EINT) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture details on how to use this driver, EINT function groups, enums and functions
|oGPIOThis section introduces the General-Purpose Input-Output (GPIO) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture details on how to use this driver, GPIO groups, enums and functions
|oGPIOIFThis section introduces the General-Purpose Inputs-Outputs Interface (GPIOIF) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture details on how to use this driver, GPIOIF groups, enums and functions
|oGPTThese sections introduce the Generic Purpose Timer (GPT), including terms and acronyms, supported features
|oI2CThis section introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|oI2SThis section introduces the Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|oMBOXThis section introduces the Mailbox (MBOX) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|oPWMThis section introduces the Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) APIs, including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, PWM defines, enums, functions and structures
|oSPIMThis section introduces the Serial Peripheral Interface Master (SPIM) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|oSPISThis section introduces the Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|oUARTThis section introduces the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
|\WDTThese sections introduce the Watchdog Timer (WDT), including terms and acronyms, supported features
\OS-HALThis section introduces the terms and acronyms of MT3620 CM4 common driver
 oAdcThis section introduces the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oDmaThis section describes the programing api of DMA OS-HAL layer, including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums and functions
 oEintThis section introduces the External Interrupt Controller(EINT) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oGpioThis section introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit (GPIO) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums and functions
 oGpioifThis section introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit (GPIOIF) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums and functions
 oGptThis section introduces the Generic Purpose Timer (GPT), including terms and acronyms, supported features
 oI2cThis section introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums and functions
 oI2sThis section introduces the Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oLpThis section introduces the Low Power (LP) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oMboxThis section introduces the Mailbox (MBOX) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oPwmThis section introduces the Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oSpimThis section introduces the Serial Peripheral Interface Master (SPIM) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 oUartThis section introduces the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, software architecture, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions
 \WdtThese sections introduce the Watchdog Timer (WDT) APIs including terms and acronyms, supported features, details on how to use this driver, enums, structures and functions